
My li'l Rat Pack

Oh my Goddess... how freakin' cute is she? Little Miss E and Ocie have been getting along very well lately... even throwing Megan into the mix a couple of days hasn't caused a rift! Speaking of little MegMoo... here is a photo of the newest troublemaker...

And I'm fairly certain I haven't included a photograph of the beautiful Ocie as of yet so here it goes (the coolest colored eyes ever... they look like Marykarens!)


A day at the park...

Our Nature Walk

Here is Miss Grace resting on the Sweeny's deck after our long walk...

The Girls getting cozy before the walk (love this!).

Just a gorgeous shot of the Moosh.
Grace took these photo's during our walk... they're pretty good, no?


Maggies Rock Collection

Megs has created a "rock house" out of her extensive rock collection just in case Li'l Junior and Sally decide to come back to visit us this year. Li'l Junior and Sally are the two Lady Bugs that we found several years ago in our house and the girls decided to make a "bed" for them and there they stayed "asleep" (dead) until mom put them (a more accurate description would be "their carcasses") outside. The girls, with their fantastic imagination (wonder where they got that?) decided that Li'l Junior and Sally are world travelers and stop by to visit us every year or so. They never go anyplace else more than once (we're special). The explanation: They bore easily. Humph... go figure.