Whaddup KT? Yes, for those of you who remember Kirsten Hart Timmins (currently known as Kirsten Hart Fogle) we have recently reconnected (that's an odd word, no? almost sounds like we're dating or something). Anyway... Kirsten, Liz and I have been throwing around the idea of meeting up someplace since we haven't seen each other in entirely too long. Naturally I love the idea... I always love the idea of leaving Buffalo and traveling elsewhere (someplace sunny and warm with a sandy beach). But here is where it all goes wrong... I love the idea; but I really suck at the reality part. My entire family and all those who have the pleasure of actually knowing me can attest that my skills of making-shit-happen leave a whole lot to be desired. Sometimes I'm good but there is definitely a consistency issue. That being said, I would love to try to coordinate something that will more than likely include not only Liz & Kirst but my two loverly sisters as well (considering that we've been trying to coordinate a gathering for years now). Any and all input would be welcome and we can use this blog as a starting point... leave any suggestions and or informative links for suggestions here and hopefully we can get something together.
Okay, so the first montage includes shots of my family and the Sweeneys... we enjoyed spending our Holiday with them so much! We had such a fantastic time in Quebec and enjoyed our quality time with the Sweeneys (because God knows we don't spend enough time with them at home). The girls were pretty good during the nine hour car ride but we learned that each of them tend to become somewhat car sick after a while. They began asking "How much further, mom" about 3 hours into the trip. My standard response was "We're closer now than we were the last time you asked" and this seemed to appease them for the next 3 hours. The last 3 hours su-HUCKED! Well... here's the first video. Enjoy.
So, I finally bought a charger for my camera but still not speaker/headphones... POO! So I will put this rockin' photo of space-face and smelly-cat riding the crap out of the Magnum!
I am a...
Busy mother of three,
Happy Wife,
Political Activist,
Proud Feminist,
Lover of Philosophy,
Fan of Science,