
Guy Love

Between two guys...


I'm in love with Jenny

I know, I know... I haven't been a very good blogger lately. Although, if you're into taboo subjects (like abortion), I've been blogging like crazy at I know, RIGHT? (I'm a glutton for punishment.) In my spare time I've been reading the Bloggess and her rated G version (well, PG-13) at God Mom, Bad Mom and seriously... it doesn't' even matter if I'm in the worst mood (or if my neck/arm is smasm'ing ever-so-painfully) I will enjoy the shit poo (sorry dad) out of it. I laugh out friggin' loud. Sometimes, like Friday, when I was in a lot of pain I did this sort of maniacal laugh that scared the shit (sorry again, dad) bejeezus out of my children. It was like Tom Cruz in that creepy Scientology video.

Hey Bloggess... I like where your heads at!


Favorite line of the day

People say "a quarter of a million" but they never say "a quarter of a thousand".
It's kinda sad in a way that's not really sad at all.
~compliments of The Bloggess (I think I might love her)


Happy Zackary's Birthday!

Alia had to leave for Ohio yesterday so she made Zackary a heart shaped Birthday cake for his sweet sixteenth a couple of days early! It was really sweet!


Favorite Line(s) of the Day...

"Nipples are private! These people are
strangers to us!"
~complements of mimi smartypants