
Sowsi scores FOUR goals in first game!

This is one of many great shots to be included in the series: GOOOOOOOOAAAAAL! Number 15 (same as her Bro's) is fast as lightening and equally as electrifying... okay, that was way gay but still, impressive, isn't she?

Here we see Number 15 kicking yet another tukas... we don't keep score at this level but we beat them 5-0... So, at one point her coach says "Okay G-luv, you're gonna go in and play defense this time,k?" and she's all "Um... no, thank you"... thats my girl!

My Backdoor Man...

This scary looking argiope was previously hanging out next to my backdoor. I say previously because, alas, said spider is no longer with us. I know, I know... the Orb Spider (common garden spider) is harmless to humans. "Harmless" being a relative term and all, I offed this chick. But seriously... it was cool to look at (for about 3 minutes). Lets hope the spiders have learned their lesson in regards to hanging around the Sorci house. Super Yik.


Okay... to answer MK's questions (since she obviously does not keep up on the whole blog scene) the following is from my Blog back in July of 2006 and is relative to my previous entry because Grace has begun her bizarre and random questioning that usually centers around basic hygiene. I don't know... OCD much?

Tuesday, July 4,2006
In other news, this just in... Grace has contracted the "tell-my-mother-anytime-anything-touches-any-part-of-my-body-or-the-toilet-or-the-garbage-or-a-butt" disease. Its pretty serious as far as we can tell. The symptoms are... why don't you just read the friggin' disease for the symptoms. This morning it was..."Mommy, my toothbrush touched the side of the sink and I think the dog might have licked the side of the sink and then I put the toothbrush in my mouth and I might have spit on Maggie's toothbrush when I was done... Is that okay?" - What the fuck am I supposed to say to that? When all of this first began, I was a really good mommy and a really thorough mommy and I explained that if something touched something or somewhere that it probably shouldn't maybe we could wash it or throw it away or whatever I thought the proper course of action should be (and trust me, I really thought it through). But after, like, 3 mother-f***ing weeks of this I'm like, "I don't know Grace, its really a judgement call and seeing as its your toothbrush, its your call, doll." And now I'm going out of my friggin' mind trying not to scream every time I have to hear about this shit! K, so it doesn't seem like a really big deal to ya, right? how bout someone say... pokes you in the arm, not hard or anything. No big deal right? what about that same person pokes you in the exact same arm in the exact same place several times a day, every day for the next three weeks... then YOU let me know how well YOU would be holdin' up, k?
I've gotta go, Grace scratched her butt and then touched the yogurt spoon...

Does that cover it for ya, Peeptoo?


How does one respond to this...

"Once I had toilet paper in my butt and I pulled it out and it fell on the floor and I just stood in that spot. Is that okay?"

Ummm... there are so many things that are not okay with that statement.


Bistro Style French Onion Soup

D-So made this fa-habulous meal of Onion Soup (topped with Gruyere cheese) for dinner... served with a salad of baby spinach, slivered cucumber, scallions and covered in an incredible vinaigrette dressing. I think that I orgasm'ed while I was still eating... I love him soo mu-u-u-u-ch!


It's Official...

And... Marykaren Underwaren. And also... Smelly Kelly.

I'm no child psychologist...

Miss Moo drew this for me today. I'm not sure under what circumstances a pig would be surfing with a mermaid and crazy turtles but I LIKE it! Maybe it's from the old saying "when pigs surf"?

The Ole Switcheroo Part Deux

Okay, so in this picture it still pretty much looks like a shitty window (pardon the profanity but come on... it does look shitty) but trust me... I cut a three foot hole in my wall, above the window... from the wall and well beyond the photo and installed the new drywall (with Annie's help... props to my french-Canadian peeps) and have spackled and sanded and joint compounded and re-sanded and re-spackled... and so on. I will finish priming and possibly painting this weekend (we think we've decided on a color.. and by "we", of course I mean ME.) I'll post the photo's as we finish. Peace-Out!
~Bob Vila so has nothing on me!



Day of Fun with Stuart... and shoes

Well, we had a LOT of fun with Uncle Stuey, Aunt Suzanne, Aaron and Little Tay-Tay on Sunday. We did some swimming (well, quite a bit of swimming, actually), played some kick ball (I so rocked... granny Stu is still recovering, though), ate, drank and were ever-so-merry! A big shout out to the Davidson Family (all generations). We can't wait to see them again over Thanksgiving Holiday!
Oh, Staciana... the shoe photo is for you. Do you notice how they're rounded a bit on the bottom? I tell ya... It's like walking on friggin' air, man! Peace & Love to my peeps!
~The Cat has left the building.


Pretend Fighting

So, the girls are not supposed to "fight"... they're supposed to "work things out" instead. Well, they're very tired of this whole summer vacation thing and are sa-hoe ready for the schoolyear to begin again as am I. Well, now that our fantastic summer schedule has flamed out and we are into the lazy daze there is a bit O' bickerin' going on in this house. Of course, when confronted with this inappropriate and unacceptable behaviour they claim to be "pretend fighting" and it goes a little some'n like this:

Miss Moo: (horrible growl-like sound) "I am so tired of you and your games!"
Drama: (whining, barely audible voice) "Idon'tlikeitwhenyou'remeantome"
Miss Moo: (stomps out of room) "Do not follow me because I will run away and you can't catch me when I run away from you because you're a slow runner and I am a really, really fast runner."
Mom: "Girls... " (abruptly cut off)
Miss Moo: "We're only Pretend Fighting, Mommy"
Drama: "I love you, Mommy"
Miss Moo: "I love you so much, Mommy"
Drama: (whispering) "I love her more than you"
Miss Moo" (louder whisper) "But I told her that I love her so much and you did not tell her that you love her so much, just that you love her a little"
Mom: "Girls!"
Miss Moo: "Pretend Fighting, Mommy! I love you!"

And it just basicaly goes on like that until somebody cries or gets bored. Or if I mention ice cream.


Cirque du Fromage

So Zackary is off to the Four Seasons, Toronto this morning... and off to the Cirque du Soleil Saturday evening. He'll be dining at 4 star restaurants and shopping at high end boutiques. God, I hate that kid. Just kidding Z-money... you know I love you more'n my luggage! Oh, for any person who cares (Suzie) it is the Cirque du Soleil Kooza (the Cirque was originated in Montreal, Quebec, Canada and founded in 1984 by Guy Laliberté and Daniel Gauthier). Just for informational purposes and in case Suzie was wondering.

Well, I must run... chat later!


The Ole' Switcheroo

So we decided to change the playroom into a den, our bedroom into Grace & Maggie's bed/playroom and the girls bedroom into our bedroom. You following me? Well... I, being the thorough person that I am noticed peeling paint in the corner of the window. I decided to rectify the situation by sanding said paint only to find the beginnings of black mold underneath (see sign # 13 on the black mold website). Long story short: I learned how to drywall. It isn't finished yet but I've replaced the entire section above the window (about 3 feet total) and down the side wall in the corner. Annie helped... we were chicks with power tools... it was a scene, man. I'll keep ya'll posted, who knows what else we'll find in our walls... so far we've got a colony of carpenter ants, a dead field mouse, two chipmonks, a bees nest, our elm tree and black mold... any bets on whats next?