So we decided to change the playroom into a den, our bedroom into Grace & Maggie's bed/playroom and the girls bedroom into our bedroom. You following me? Well... I, being the thorough person that I am noticed peeling paint in the corner of the window. I decided to rectify the situation by sanding said paint only to find the beginnings of black mold underneath (see sign # 13 on the black mold website). Long story short: I learned how to drywall. It isn't finished yet but I've replaced the entire section above the window (about 3 feet total) and down the side wall in the corner. Annie helped... we were chicks with power tools... it was a scene, man. I'll keep ya'll posted, who knows what else we'll find in our walls... so far we've got a colony of carpenter ants, a dead field mouse, two chipmonks, a bees nest, our elm tree and black mold... any bets on whats next?
either that kid you lost track of or a partridge in a pear tree ;)
Thats soooo funny... Thats funny... Thats sooo funny...
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