Well, I thought I'd post this photo because alas, poor Meg-Moo has caught herself our loverly little stomach virus. Miss Ocie shared her illness with myself and Grace and we felt it only fair that we share with poor li'l Meg. Christ but she's tiny! And the poor little thing must've lost 5 pounds during what we refer to as "Pukefest 2008" early this morning. She is napping on the couch and feeling much better now though.

Yes... they are waaay-hay into Hannah Montana. David bought them the Blonde gettups and they fancy themselves little rock stars now! I really only have one thing to say about the matter... this Miley chick needs to write herself some new songs and how because I cannot listen to The Best of Both Worlds any-fucking-longer you little spoiled BRAT!!!!! Oh, okay... I feel better now.
~Peace-Out Freakshows!
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