I just had some really nice Jehovah's Witness Ladies come to my door. And I would be lying if I said that I wasn't just a little bit scared of these retardedly full of Jesus' love bible pushers (for the record... theirs is the only "real" bible, although they refer to it as the "New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures") COO-KOO! Did you know that there will be everlasting peace on earth for us all. How quaint. Personally, I was looking forward to the lake of fire... all the cool people would be there... and I was going to bring the wine. Now that's fucked. Ah well, whachya gonna do. They promise to stop by at a later date since I wasn't able to chat too long with them, what with all the babies and animals running around my house. They referred to me as "Earth Mother" at first but I cleared that whole misunderstanding up when I proclaimed that Jesus was as much the son of God as I am (and for the record... I'm the favorite) and that while the bible is certainly an interesting read (if you can get past all of the "begets/begot" crap) it was not only written by men but it was also assembled by them... and sorry, but I don't believe most of what men proclaim/say/do/write/emote particularly when you're talking religion or politics. Rat Bastards, all of them. J.C. excluded, of course (but then, he didn't write anything in the bible now, did he?) Anyhoo, hurry back soon ladies...
1 comment:
Wow. Thanks for the website. Boy, that Watchtower group really likes to predict the date of the end of the world... over and over and over again (I stopped counting after the tenth "prediction"). But Holy Jehovah, I had no idea that Christ returned in October 1874 and is "invisible"... "I always feel like - somebody's watchin' me... and I get no privacy -oh-OH-oh". They're nuttier than a squirrel turd. WOW... I'm going to have so much fun when those chicks come back!
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