
Sowsi scores FOUR goals in first game!

This is one of many great shots to be included in the series: GOOOOOOOOAAAAAL! Number 15 (same as her Bro's) is fast as lightening and equally as electrifying... okay, that was way gay but still, impressive, isn't she?

Here we see Number 15 kicking yet another tukas... we don't keep score at this level but we beat them 5-0... So, at one point her coach says "Okay G-luv, you're gonna go in and play defense this time,k?" and she's all "Um... no, thank you"... thats my girl!


Princess Mk said...

she takes after her aunt...sassy (or bitchy - depends on who's giving the praise)

MellanKelly said...

Personaly, I think her aunt is swassy.