
Favorite Line of the Day...

"Bitch, I wasn't trying to bogart your baby, calm down. "
~mimi smartypants

Oh. My. God. I just love reading her! So but I realize it's been, like, forever since I've been on here but I've been super busy lately doing lots of meaningless things... LOTS! Sometimes it's just nice to do things that do not accomplish anything. Do you feel me? I mean, don't get me wrong... it's not like I'm shirking my responsibilities. I've still got anywhere from three to six kids running around my house at any given moment so it's not like a got a whole lotta free time on my hands. But I got this shitty little summer cold so I cut back with the sitting on babies thing and kind of took some time to get well and all (oh. The "sitting on babies" comment is a reference to The Cat in the Hat. I don't actually sit on babies). Anyhoo... so I decided that the way to get well is to not stress out or do anything that requires deep thought (So, I'll have to get to that whole "world peace" thing at a later date). I think it worked. Although, I "met" an awful lot of really stupid people on the internet whilst I de-thunk. To give them the benifit of the doubt; it could be that they were doing exactly what I was doing (not thinking for a bit) and perhaps they're really, really smart IRL. OMGIALOTFLMAOASMS!!!! I hate those things. Hate them.

Okay... I'm super-duper tired so I'm gonna call it a night. I need to rest up for Kelly Tuesday! Yay me! I'm going to paint the office/guestroom/litterbox before the company gets to town. See ya!

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